
Category Archives: Cybersecurity

Why It’s Important to Have Cybersecurity Insurance

Cybersecurity Insurance

The importance of cybersecurity insurance measures cannot be overstated. The transition of organizations into a digital environment coincides with an increase in the sophistication of online attacks. In the past, hackers would target large, high-revenue corporations because these businesses both had significant amounts of money and important information. However, over forty percent of recent cyberattacks […]

Why Is It So Difficult when Managing Passwords?

Managing Passwords

 Emailing, shopping, banking, and many other activities are among the many transactions completed online. However, before you can act, you need to go to the proper website and log in using your name and password. Only then will you be able to log in. It’s a relatively standard procedure, but with the ever-increasing number of […]

Safeguarding Your Business in the Event of Your Death

Safeguarding Your Business

If a company cannot continue operations following the death of its owner, it would be a terrible shame and, more likely, a regrettable waste of resources. There are ways to prevent this situation, and digital estate planning is one of them. It is a practice that can save a lot of time, trouble, and effort. […]

Moving to the Cloud Encourages Business Expansion

moving to the cloud

Every year, more and more businesses are moving their operations to the cloud. This change should not come as a surprise, given that cloud computing solutions have rapidly become an indispensable tool for the expansion and maturation of enterprises in the modern digital environment. If you have been searching for a method to scale your […]

Why Do Business Owners Feel Uncomfortable Using the Cloud?

using the cloud

It’s been years since cloud computing became available to the public. Even though thousands of companies have modernized their business operations using cloud solutions, countless more continue to be skeptical of this tested technology. Despite the many benefits of using the cloud provides businesses, there are still some who are reluctant to adopt it. What […]

The Importance of a Business’s Reliable BDR Plan

Reliable BDR

There is risk involved in every enterprise. Besides the operational risks that all business proprietors are aware of, there may also be unknown external threats. A business’s reliable BDR plan is one of the most effective defenses because of how it can secure your data.  Over the past few weeks, we have discussed BDR solutions. […]

Do You Have a Solid BDR Plan for Your Business?

solid BDR plan

One essential service businesses expect to receive from their IT supplier is the backup and recovery of data in the event of an emergency. It is crucial when malware attacks are so common. A company can fail if hackers attack it without preparation. Businesses can avoid this by taking the needed precautions and getting a […]

Your Company is Not Safe Without a BDR Plan

BDR Plan

Regardless of the business’s industry or size, a backup and disaster recovery strategy are an absolute requirement. Natural calamities, online attacks, and even human error can all lead to catastrophes. Without a thorough BDR plan, your business could be easily wiped out, with little to no chance of recovery. Because of the prevalence of online […]

What Is BDR and How Does It Impact Business?

what Is BDR

What is Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BDR) and how does it impact business? Currently, businesses conduct many of their processes digitally. On the one hand, this is very helpful because it speeds up transactions, improves the accuracy of transactions, and makes IT business development faster and more efficient. With the increased reliance on digital […]

For Better Or For Worse: How Your IT Company Affects Your Customers

How Your IT Company Affects Customers

How Your IT Company Affects Customers is very important to keep your business operations in good hands. Most processes today rely on technology, so you need a provider to keep up with the times and ensure everything goes smoothly. But do you realize how your choice of IT company also affects your customers? The level […]

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