Tag Archives: Business security

How Cybersecurity Training Helps with Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Cybersecurity compliance

The main goal of cybersecurity training for staff members is to defend the company from internet threats. However, there are many more reasons to enroll in security awareness training. In addition, it is critical for risk mitigation, staff welfare, consumer comfort, and cybersecurity compliance—the subject of this piece.  Why is Risk Reduction and Cybersecurity Compliance […]

Phishing and Social Engineering Simulations

Phishing and Social Engineering

Businesses have explored many approaches to educating their staff members about phishing and social engineering. However, even now, human error remains the primary cause of over 90% of data breaches. Not much has changed in the last five years! Just how difficult is learning? Maybe there’s a better training program we can employ. While traditional […]

Top Errors to Avoid in Training Cybersecurity  for Staff

Training Cybersecurity

Hacker techniques get more sophisticated with technological improvements. To keep our data safe, we must stay up-to-date with constantly changing tactics. Employees must have regular training on cybersecurity to accomplish this. Research shows that a proficient training approach can decrease susceptibility to phishing and related cyberattacks from 60% to 10% in a single year. Seven […]

Phishing Scams and Social Engineering Tactics

social engineering tactics

Social engineering is a popular term in the cybersecurity industry. What is it, though, and why are companies so terrified? It is a type of hacking that induces victims to provide information by tricking and manipulating them. Social engineering tactics have caused a lot of devastation and millions of dollars in losses for firms globally, […]

Educating Your Staff to Spot Social Engineering

spot social engineering

One of the newest techniques used by hackers to gain private data is social engineering. This method uses human psychology to gather data rather than simply attacking a system. When you consider it, this approach is quite brilliant because it avoids having to go through strict network security. Someone will literally hand the information to […]

The Top 8 Phishing Scam Tactics and How to Spot Them

Phishing Scam Tactics

Since the late 1990s, phishing has been a popular hacking technique. You’d think everyone would know how it operates and how to prevent becoming a victim. That is regrettably not the case for these Phishing Scam Tactics. The number of casualties has increased. Over 300,000 people were hacked in the US alone in 2022, resulting […]

Is Your Company Prepared for a Security Incident?

Security Incident

Every 14 seconds, a new incident related to cybersecurity occurs. The widespread belief that only large corporations are the targets of hacking attacks couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone, from large global organizations to small local businesses, might now be a potential target. Because there is no obvious pattern to the attacks, it is […]

The Seven Mobile Security Threats to Your BYOD Policy

Mobile Security Threats

Bring Your Own Device, also known as BYOD, is an emerging trend in the workplace that encourages workers to use their own personal electronic devices, such as cellphones, laptops, tablets, and so on, for business purposes. This policy contrasts with the conventional practice of relying solely on the tools and resources provided by one’s employer […]

Why It’s Important to Have Cybersecurity Insurance

Cybersecurity Insurance

The importance of cybersecurity insurance measures cannot be overstated. The transition of organizations into a digital environment coincides with an increase in the sophistication of online attacks. In the past, hackers would target large, high-revenue corporations because these businesses both had significant amounts of money and important information. However, over forty percent of recent cyberattacks […]

Ten Good Reasons Why Companies Need Password Management

Need Password Management

The protection of your company’s passwords is one of the most fundamental parts of such protection. Your company’s security relies on strong passwords and proper management. Because of this, it is recommended that users choose secure passwords that are unique to them and change their passwords regularly to reduce the likelihood of being hacked.  For […]

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