
Tag Archives: Technology

Educating Your Staff to Spot Social Engineering

spot social engineering

One of the newest techniques used by hackers to gain private data is social engineering. This method uses human psychology to gather data rather than simply attacking a system. When you consider it, this approach is quite brilliant because it avoids having to go through strict network security. Someone will literally hand the information to […]

The Top 8 Phishing Scam Tactics and How to Spot Them

Phishing Scam Tactics

Since the late 1990s, phishing has been a popular hacking technique. You’d think everyone would know how it operates and how to prevent becoming a victim. That is regrettably not the case for these Phishing Scam Tactics. The number of casualties has increased. Over 300,000 people were hacked in the US alone in 2022, resulting […]

The Seven Mobile Security Threats to Your BYOD Policy

Mobile Security Threats

Bring Your Own Device, also known as BYOD, is an emerging trend in the workplace that encourages workers to use their own personal electronic devices, such as cellphones, laptops, tablets, and so on, for business purposes. This policy contrasts with the conventional practice of relying solely on the tools and resources provided by one’s employer […]

Why It’s Important to Have Cybersecurity Insurance

Cybersecurity Insurance

The importance of cybersecurity insurance measures cannot be overstated. The transition of organizations into a digital environment coincides with an increase in the sophistication of online attacks. In the past, hackers would target large, high-revenue corporations because these businesses both had significant amounts of money and important information. However, over forty percent of recent cyberattacks […]

Why Is It So Difficult when Managing Passwords?

Managing Passwords

 Emailing, shopping, banking, and many other activities are among the many transactions completed online. However, before you can act, you need to go to the proper website and log in using your name and password. Only then will you be able to log in. It’s a relatively standard procedure, but with the ever-increasing number of […]

Ten Reasons Businesses Need a Digital Estate Plan

digital estate plan

In the past two weeks, we’ve begun discussing digital estate planning and why it’s imperative for businesses to have one today. Since many business data files are now stored digitally, it makes sense to secure these digital assets if the business owner dies. If you still don’t have a digital estate plan and are considering […]

Business Cloud Migration, The Smartest Thing You Can Do

Business cloud migration

Business cloud migration has been a primary focus for the past few years. If you solely rely on your resources, keeping up with the demands placed on businesses will become increasingly time-consuming and expensive as these demands expand. But now, because of advancements in cloud technology, many corporate procedures can be assigned to cloud-based service […]

Moving to the Cloud Encourages Business Expansion

moving to the cloud

Every year, more and more businesses are moving their operations to the cloud. This change should not come as a surprise, given that cloud computing solutions have rapidly become an indispensable tool for the expansion and maturation of enterprises in the modern digital environment. If you have been searching for a method to scale your […]

Why Do Business Owners Feel Uncomfortable Using the Cloud?

using the cloud

It’s been years since cloud computing became available to the public. Even though thousands of companies have modernized their business operations using cloud solutions, countless more continue to be skeptical of this tested technology. Despite the many benefits of using the cloud provides businesses, there are still some who are reluctant to adopt it. What […]

What Effects Do MSP Mergers and Acquisitions Have on Your Company?

MSP Mergers

In recent years, there has been a discernible increase in the number of managed service providers (MSPs) that have sold their businesses to larger firms and hedge funds. This trend of MSP mergers is happening in many different parts of the world. And there is no indication that it may begin moving in another direction […]

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