Why Companies Need to Worry About AI and Cyber Attacks

Ai and cyber attacks

Hacking techniques have gotten a lot better over the years. Cybercriminals look for ways to use new IT features or algorithms to their advantage as soon as they become public. This is very much the case with AI and cyber attacks.

Artificial intelligence was the future of technology, but it has been available in some computers and other devices that people have used for years. Recently, though, new AI tools, such as generative AI apps, have seen a recent boom in usage. Of course, hackers are quick to use these tools to get what they want.

Despite having a strong protection plan, many business owners may underestimate the potential threats posed by AI and cyber-attacks, given the unique nature of AI compared to previous technologies.

Business security risks are going up thanks to AI

What was once impossible is now very simple with AI tools. An untrained worker can easily write content, make code, analyze data, and do other tasks with just a few clicks. Without a doubt, these tools save companies a great deal of time, effort, and staff. Companies will also have to deal with more security risks because of AI since hackers can also use these tools.

Companies are being attacked with AI tools

Hackers have devised various ways to exploit AI tools for cyber attacks. We already covered this in our last two blogs, so we won’t go into more detail now. Cybercriminals have found that AI is most useful for writing phishing emails that look very real, watching what people type on the keyboard, analyzing online data, breaking passwords, and launching automated attacks.

Thanks to AI, it’s almost no longer necessary to be good at code to be a good hacker to do cyber attacks. Hackers can finish most jobs in seconds once they know the prompts to enter. Hackers are now actively using AI to get into even the safest systems, so businesses should not take a break just yet. Instead, business owners should upgrade their cybersecurity systems to ensure they are current enough to defend against AI-driven security risks.

Using AI systems to attack weak businesses

With businesses using AI systems on a large scale, we create another significant factor contributing to the rise in security risks. Because these methods have so many benefits, it would be silly not to use them. Sure, AI systems have some flaws, just like anything else still in its early stages. Since this is the case, hackers have found them easy to target.

Hackers have found at least four ways to get into a business’s AI system. An adversarial attack happens when an algorithm tricks a machine-learning model by giving it incorrect data. Data poisoning and quick injection are two other ways, and both mess up the system’s learning process. 

Many hackers like backdoor attacks because they can damage the AI system they are trying to break into and stay in for a long time without the security system noticing. Backdoors are difficult to set up, but hackers gain huge benefits from them.

What companies can do to avoid AI and cyber attacks?

It should be clear by now that AI has a lot of benefits, but it also poses new security risks. Also, it’s not just a trend that will go away soon and that you can ignore. Over the next few years, hacking tools that use AI will become an even bigger threat. And because of this, companies should be worried.

Businesses can protect themselves from security risks in several ways, which is good news. If your company already uses creative AI tools, you need to find and fix the weak spots in the system. Also, employees need to be trained regularly, especially on properly storing data in AI-powered chatbots.

To keep personal information private, it’s also helpful to keep data anonymous. Of course, the AI tools you choose are also important. People choose the easiest option since there are so many to choose from. But it’s always better to spend more on a tool you can trust than to save a few dollars and risk the safety of your business.

We can help you learn more about how to use AI systems and keep your business safe from AI cyber attacks. Just call us, and we’ll set up a time to talk about your business’s protection needs and how to meet them. Don’t forget to Download our E-book which talks about the cybersecurity role of AI in security.

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