
Author Archives: Synpact Marketing

Hacker AI vs. Security AI

Hacker AI

Artificial intelligence is a fantastic field of technology that pretends to be smart like humans. AI tools get knowledge that lets them do things that humans usually do through machine learning. This technology is helpful for almost everyone. However, it also comes with security risks, especially for companies and organizations. This is because a hacker […]

How to Keep AI from Being Used Against You

Keep AI

Many of the changes that make business operations better are thanks to AI. The bad news is that AI has also brought us bigger and scarier security risks since hackers use it for bad things. In fact, there has been a rise in the number of data hacks lately. Today we will discuss how to […]

AI Was Used to Breach These Major Businesses

AI to Breach Businesses

Hackers are using Artificial intelligence (AI) to breach businesses. This topic has been the subject of many discussions in recent weeks. Adopting these new algorithms for social engineering and other hacks makes it much easier for hackers to infiltrate systems. Sadly, these are no longer only theoretical conversations. Hackers using AI to breach businesses are […]

Seven Ways AI Helps Cybercriminals Steal Personal Information

Steal Personal Information

There are more data breaches than ever before to steal personal information. At least 150 business-related incidents occur monthly, and these figures only include reported occurrences. Currently, artificial intelligence can help hackers perform successful data breaches. While the developers initially intended AI to benefit society, hackers use it for illegal acts such as identity theft. Here […]

Why You Should Fear AI-Powered Social Engineering

AI Social Engineering

rtificial intelligence has brought many advantages to different parts of modern life. This new technology allows for the fast and accurate study of massive amounts of data. It can eliminate job redundancy and minimize human error. Businesses have benefited from this powerful tool, as it allows them to accomplish more while using fewer resources. However, […]

Why Companies Need to Worry About AI and Cyber Attacks

Ai and cyber attacks

Hacking techniques have gotten a lot better over the years. Cybercriminals look for ways to use new IT features or algorithms to their advantage as soon as they become public. This is very much the case with AI and cyber attacks. Artificial intelligence was the future of technology, but it has been available in some […]

How do Hackers Use AI today?

How Hackers Use AI

Businesses have moved forward with the help of artificial intelligence, which has improved customer engagement, sped up reaction times, created solutions tailored to each client, and more. Hackers have also had access to AI, a very new technology. Businesses are using AI technology to alter their operations, and hackers have also been using it to […]

How Cybersecurity Training Helps with Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Cybersecurity compliance

The main goal of cybersecurity training for staff members is to defend the company from internet threats. However, there are many more reasons to enroll in security awareness training. In addition, it is critical for risk mitigation, staff welfare, consumer comfort, and cybersecurity compliance—the subject of this piece.  Why is Risk Reduction and Cybersecurity Compliance […]

Phishing and Social Engineering Simulations

Phishing and Social Engineering

Businesses have explored many approaches to educating their staff members about phishing and social engineering. However, even now, human error remains the primary cause of over 90% of data breaches. Not much has changed in the last five years! Just how difficult is learning? Maybe there’s a better training program we can employ. While traditional […]

Top Errors to Avoid in Training Cybersecurity  for Staff

Training Cybersecurity

Hacker techniques get more sophisticated with technological improvements. To keep our data safe, we must stay up-to-date with constantly changing tactics. Employees must have regular training on cybersecurity to accomplish this. Research shows that a proficient training approach can decrease susceptibility to phishing and related cyberattacks from 60% to 10% in a single year. Seven […]

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